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Extension methods to use strings in LINQ OrderBy and ThenBy methods


Source • GitHubhere

Package • NuGetOrderByString


Extension methods to use strings in LINQ OrderBy and ThenBy methods Provided for both IQueryable and IEnumerable Enable the extensions methods by including a reference and a “using OrderByExtensions;” statement

Supports the following formats:

    ().OrderBy("Property desc").ThenBy("OtherProperty desc");
    ().OrderBy("Property desc, OtherProperty asc");
    ().OrderBy("Property, OtherProperty desc");

.OrderBy and .ThenBy default to ascending, OrderByDescending and ThenByDescending default to descending

“asc” or “desc” in the text takes precedence over the default from the command so that ().OrderBy("Property asc") does the same thing as ().OrderByDescending("Property asc")